Are you looking for the best introduction to the chakras for beginners? Our simple explanation of each of the seven chakras and their use in energy healing will help you on your spiritual journey.
The word Chakra is a derivative of the Sanskrit word for wheel. Your chakras are vortexes of energy where the physical, spiritual and emotional states of being all intersect.
The chakras represent different areas of your body, and are arranged from the crown of your head down to your root chakra.
In the simplest sense, when in balance, chakras can contribute to an overall sense of health an wellbeing. When they are out of balance, emotional and physical maladies may ensue.
If you find that your chakras are out of balance, you can try working with healing crystals or chakra meditations to balance them. If you're unsure how to balance them yourself, try a visit with a reiki practitioner.
How Many Chakras are There?
There are 7 main chakras in total, each with its own unique name. While there are additional chakras, they aren't spoken about as frequently, so today we'll cover only the 7 most well know chakras.
They are located along the meridian of your spine, and they each have a profound impact on different areas of your body and mind.
Root Chakra (Muladhara)
As the given name of this chakra implies, it's the foundation of security, stability as well as safety. It's located down near your tail bone and is responsible for basic needs and grounding. The corresponding color is red.
Sacral Chakra (Svadhishana)
This chakra dominates both our creative and sexual energies. You'll find it slightly below your navel and is responsible for our overall enjoyment of life. The corresponding color is orange.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
You'll find your solar plexus chakra located smack dab in the middle of your abdomen, just below your rib cage and above your belly button. This chakra is responsible for self-esteem and self-confidence. The corresponding color is yellow.
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
You'll find your heart chakra located in the center of your chest in alignment with your physical heart. Not surprisingly, this chakra is rules our ability to forgive, feel compassion and be kind. The corresponding color is green (or sometimes pink).
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
True to its location near our vocal chords, the throat chakra gives us our voice and ability to speak our personal truth. The corresponding color is blue.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
When your third eye chakra is open, you will feel a greater sense of intuition. It's located just between the eyebrows and can be opened through meditation and other practices. The corresponding color is indigo.
Crown Chakra (Sahaswara)
The crown chakra is located on the top of your head, and is your connection to universal energy. This chakra allows our minds to reach their most enlightened state and feel a strong spiritual connection with our true selves. The corresponding color is purple (and sometimes clear like clear quartz.
A Balancing Act
Since our physical bodies and spiritual energies are bound at each of these seven points, true holistic health may only attained when all of our chakras are balanced, allowing a free flow of energy throughout the body.
You'll find that there an abundance of ways to support your chakras for healing your body, mind and spirit. Many people choose to place healing crystals of corresponding colors on the different chakras. Others use reiki healing for chakra healing.
You can become a reiki practitioner by taking a Reiki Course on Udemy.
Simply being more aware of your own chakras is the first step to optimal energy healing. So go ahead and get to know each of these chakras closely and you'll find your way to self healing.
One of my favorite books on the Chakras for beginners is the Chakra Pocket Guide. It's a quick read so you'll be able to get to know the basics soon!
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